Give Now to St. Luke’s through PayPal

You don’t need a PayPal account to use this method. The final payment screen has a space to leave a note designating how to apply your donation.

Donate Button

Give by Check

You are always welcome to write a check and mail it to St. Luke’s. Make the check payable to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, and mail it to us at 1737 Hillandale Road, Durham, NC 27705-3045. Indicate on the check or enclose a note as to how to apply your donation.

Pushing Your Pledge Payments to St. Luke’s from Your Bank or Credit Union

Just as you “push” payments for regular bills from your checking account at your bank or credit union, you can set up regular payments for your St. Luke’s pledge in the same way.

Just enter St. Luke’s name, address, and phone number – St. Luke’s Episcopal Church / 1737 Hillandale Road / Durham, NC 27705-3045 / 919-286-2273 – choose an amount, and choose a frequency for the payments. Since everything is configured in your own checking account, it’s easy to make changes later if you need to. When you use this option, St. Luke’s gets the benefit of regular payments with a $0 transaction fee.